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The Arizona Watchable Wildlife Experience

AWWE is recreation, it is education, and it is conservation! We are a community partnership committed
to connecting people with Arizona's natural environment and promoting its conservation.
Join us in experiencing wildlife and their habitats in ways that are truly AWWEsome!

Blog Archive

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

2015 Wildlife Viewing Events

Wildlife Watchers of all ages and experience
Join us throughout the summer for expert-guided wildlife watching events. Each evening, wildlife biologists will highlight a different AWWE site, pointing out the unique habitat features and wildlife species you’re likely to see. With any luck, and some very high powered viewing scopes, you’ll have an opportunity to watch wildlife at dusk, one of the busiest times for animal activity. Come prepared with appropriate clothing and plenty of questions for our experts.

 Each Saturday event begins at 5pm and continues until sunset. You are invited to stay as long as you’d like – dress warmly and feel free to bring along binoculars, hot cocoa, or camp chairs.

May 23 Pumphouse Watchable Wildlife Platform – Park at Raymond County Park in Kachina Village

June 20 Rogers Lake County Natural Area - Meet near the first large County Natural Area sign on Woody Mountain Road, approx. 3 miles past the Arboretum

July 18 Mormon Lake southern overlook - On the west side of Lake Mary Road

August 15 Annual Elk Workshop – Mormon Lake Lodge. Viewing will be held after the day of workshops. More information to come.